
We have two services each month.

11am on the second Sunday is a Lay Led Morning Service

9.30 on the fourth Sunday is Holy Communion


We invite you to join us for tea, coffee and cake after the services.

Please go to the Carlford website for details.

If you need more information please go to the Dioscesan website




Bell Ringing

Please contact David Stanford on 07711683792 for details.

New ringers very welcome




493rd Bombardment Group


There is a large Memorial Board on the North wall of the church listing all the men of the 493rd Bombardment Group, stationed at Debach, who lost their lives in World War 11.

The flag which flew over their Headquarters is hanging above the memorial.

The website of the 493rd Bombardment Group lists all the names of those recorded on the memorial.

We hope to have information on the website about all the men who died very soon. In the meantime if you have any queries please contact us.