
We have two services each month.

11am on the second Sunday is a Lay Led Morning Service

9.30 on the fourth Sunday is Holy Communion


We invite you to join us for tea, coffee and cake after the services.

Please go to the Carlford website for details.

If you need more information please go to the Dioscesan website




Bell Ringing

Please contact David Stanford on 07711683792 for details.

New ringers very welcome






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As with most Parish Churches, there are many memorials to local people who have died both inside and outside the Church, some dating back hundreds of years. There are several notable memorials of interest inside the church and details about some of these can be accessed via the menu to the left.

Church records indicate there have been over 1000 burials in the Churchyard since records began and some details about these can also be obtained on the Churchyard page.