
We have two services each month.

11am on the second Sunday is a Lay Led Morning Service

9.30 on the fourth Sunday is Holy Communion


We invite you to join us for tea, coffee and cake after the services.

Please go to the Carlford website for details.

If you need more information please go to the Dioscesan website




Bell Ringing

Please contact David Stanford on 07711683792 for details.

New ringers very welcome




Flower Festival 2016


The Flower Festival was held from Saturday 28th until Monday 30th May.

There were twenty eight displays arranged by twelve people. The theme was 'My Favourite Book' and books chosen ranged from 'War and Peace' to 'Winnie the Pooh'! One visitor remarked that it was better than Chelsea! Look at the photos and see if you agree.

Flower Festival 2016